Enjoying the Lord
by: Emma Franklin
August 7, 2024
What if we lived every day from the perspective that it is a miracle that Christ lives in us and we live in Christ? That it’s a miracle that we get to commune with Him while we live on earth? That we have the opportunity to live in union with Christ, to know the Holy Spirit, and actually listen to him as he guides us on the path of life? Life with Christ is not about what we gain – the blessings, the answered prayers, or even the “more” spiritual things like prophetic words or revelation – but Who we gain. These parts of the spiritual life are beautiful and necessary because they build up the church, but when we exalt them over Jesus they become loss.
A few months ago, I was looking back on my current season of life and I started to get disappointed by what my life didn’t look like. Even though this season has been one filled with more life, joy, and the Lord’s power than ever before, when I focused on the outward things they weren’t enough. I was walking in answered prayers and fulfilled promises, but there is always more that we want. One morning I felt the Lord tell me, “Measure your year by how much you enjoy me.” Do not measure your year by your accomplishments, how stable your life looks from the outside, or the amount of prophetic dreams and visions you receive, but by the time you spend in His presence. What matters more than anything in our lives is one thing: to enjoy the Lord!
Peter caught this revelation during the time of Jesus’ ministry on earth. After many of Jesus’ followers deserted him because they were offended by his teaching, Jesus asked the Twelve, “And you, do you also want to leave?” (John 6:67). Peter replied, “But Lord, where would we go? No one but you gives us the revelation of eternal life” (John 6:68).
Enjoying the Lord isn’t about what season you’re in. Mountaintop or valley, wilderness or abundant harvest … it’s not the circumstance that determines our enjoyment but it’s the person of Christ. Before God gave Abraham the promise of leaving a legacy, he gave Abraham the promise of himself. Genesis 15:1 says, “...the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, ‘Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.’” Our reward is not our blessing, our reward is CHRIST. When our desire is to enjoy Christ – not what he gives us – as our exceedingly great reward, the Holy Spirit purifies our hearts and actually makes this our reality.
Is it okay to ask the Lord for things? Absolutely! We are his children and heirs to his throne. He takes delight in prospering his people (Deuteronomy 30:19) and “...richly provides us with everything to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17). The Father loves blessing his children and he withholds nothing from those he loves, but everything we’re given is only an addition to our lives, not a completion. We are complete in Christ. When we realize that to live is Christ and to die is gain, we understand that nothing can take our focus off of who he is and who we are in him.
So when your heart wanders and you feel your desire for the blessings and the power surpassing your desire for Christ, remember that he alone has the words of life. He alone satisfies the deepest longings of my soul because “In his presence is fullness of joy” (Psalm 16:11) and he “…is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (Psalm 73:26).
What could we desire more than Jesus? Where else would we go than to him? Even when it gets hard, where else would you go? Even when you don’t understand what the Lord is doing, where else would you go? Christ is where delight is - no matter where and no matter the circumstance. He is our delight.
Prayer for Today
Oh how we love you, Lord! There is no one like you. Thank you for the gift of knowing you and being known by you. Thank you for the gift of your glorious presence. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit who lives in us and seals us as heirs of your kingdom. Holy Spirit, fix our eyes on Jesus. Fix our eyes on who he is and what he is doing. May all that we do come from the overflow of Christ in us, not out of our own agendas or striving for glory. Jesus, you satisfy every longing of our hearts – you are our exceedingly great reward. Set our hearts on fire for you. Burn in us, Holy Spirit, until all that remains is a pure desire for the lover of souls. We want more of you, Jesus!
Further Study
Psalm 84 TPT
Seeking the knowledge of the Lord (the ways, truth, and life) and aligning with His will is our calling as Christians. Reading, studying, partaking in the Word, hearing from fellow believers, dreams and visions, and personal encounters are all ways in which we can come to know the Lord.