Here, On Earth
by: Mallie Bradford
February 5, 2025
“The heavens belong to our God; they are His alone, but He has given us the earth and put us in charge.”
As sons and daughters of the Most High, we have been given great authority, authority to rule over this earth. We see it from the beginning of creation, the Lord gives dominion of the earth to man (Genesis 1:26). When man sinned and creation fell, this dominion was forfeited. However, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus restored creation and reinstated man’s authority over the earth.
One of our roles in carrying this authority is to trample over the kingdom of darkness.
In Luke 10:18-19, “Jesus replied, ‘While you were ministering, I watched Satan topple until he fell suddenly from Heaven like lightning to the ground. Now you understand that I have imparted to you my authority to trample over his kingdom.’” As the seventy missionaries were ministering, the kingdom of darkness crumbled because Jesus had given them His authority. This is the same authority that defeated every power and principality of darkness at the Cross (Colossians 2:15), and it has also been given to us.
As rulers of this earth, it’s our job to demonstrate this authority as our reality and to proclaim it over the rest of earth’s people. Just as there are certain things you wouldn’t allow into your house, we shouldn’t allow the kingdom of darkness to bring its wickedness on to the land our Father entrusted to us.
Jesus overcame the kingdom of darkness so that we can say no to every weapon formed against this world. By doing so, we demolish the kingdom of darkness and render it powerless on earth.
Another role we have in ruling over the earth is to bring about the Kingdom of Heaven wherever we go.
In Matthew, Jesus tells us to ask for the Kingdom of God to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven (6:10). We are called to release Heaven on earth, which we are equipped to do, as we are seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). Through the Holy Spirit, we have full access to Heaven and can freely deposit it on earth.
When the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, we experience the fullness of joy (Psalm 16), peace that surpasses all understanding (Phillipians 4:7), and victorious power that triumphs over the world (1 John 5:4). We are responsible for releasing these things, and all of Heaven’s treasures, into the world so that the Lord can be experienced here, on earth.
The Father also desires for His children to experience Him through signs, wonders, and miracles, which accompany all those who believe (Mark 16:17-18). We are called to heal the
sick, call forth spiritual gifts, and declare prophetic destinies over earth’s people, in order to reveal the Lord’s perfect and powerful nature and demonstrate Heaven on earth.
We have been entrusted with this authority because we know the Father’s heart through the Holy Spirit, and as Jesus explains, “‘A master will delegate authority in his house to a trustworthy and thoughtful manager who understands his master’s desires’”(Luke 12:42). We are equipped to call forth and declare His will over the earth because we know His heart and His desires.
It is our greatest responsibility to call on the name of the Father and ask for His will to be done. God used the Cross to restore authority to His children. Through the Cross and the power of the Holy Spirit, we now have power to intercede and partner with God to bring forth the plans of heaven to the earth, in order to fulfill God's good purposes.
Worship: Never Lost
Lord, open our eyes to the authority that You have given us. Let us steward the earth well, in a way that glorifies You. Let us be humble in heart so that we can bring forth Your plans and purposes. We know that Your ways are always better. Let Your Kingdom come, Lord, and let Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. We love You. Amen.
Further Study
Daniel 7:25-27, Ephesians 1:18-23, Matthew 28:18
The past few years, the Lord has led me on a journey of uncovering the treasures hidden in the name of Jesus, and it has been a glorious experience. It has been an honor not only to unveil the mystery behind this powerful name but also to witness its transformative power.