Weekly Devotional
Finding God in Thin Spaces
We all need a thin space, where we linger and know that God is there. I want to experience thin spaces and I believe they are not limited to certain locations, rather, when we most need God, the space can become thin because He finds us and draws us close to Him.
Drawing Water from a Dead Well
Will you drop that which doesn’t satisfy and fall into the arms of the Lord who loves you deeply? Stop trying to draw sustenance from a dead well. Only Jesus can truly satisfy. He stands ready to water your dry places with His Living Water.
How Far Are You Willing to Go for Jesus?
Living for Jesus comes with many challenges. While I am not averse to making sacrifices for Jesus that I deem reasonable, every time I come across stories like Letwaba’s or read the book of Acts in the New Testament, I often ask myself: “How far am I willing to go for Jesus? How much am I willing to sacrifice for the Gospel?
May You Never Lose Your Wonder
God is looking for a malleable heart - one that is tender and responsive to His leading. He is yearning for His children to walk before Him in reverential awe and a holy regard for His glorious presence.
A Word on Fasting
Fasting can be traced back to the Old Testament, where it was practiced as a form of repentance, mourning, and seeking God's guidance. It is mentioned numerous times in the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments, with examples like the Israelites fasting during times of crisis or seeking divine intervention, and Jesus himself fasting for 40 days in the wilderness.
Spring | An Expression of the Heart of God
Spring is such a beautiful expression of the heart of God. He brings His life-giving Holy Spirit to places in our hearts that we thought were dead and barren, and He breathes Life again. There are many spring days where “the rain soaks the earth,” nourishing every space and giving drink and refreshment to the dry land.
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