Overcoming Fear
by: Bruce Gordon
“The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13 NLT
Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Psalm 85:6 NIV”
The mark of the early church was that the Apostles knew the reality of Jesus; they had been with Him. They had been reoriented and experienced a revival.
George Mueller, a Christian evangelist and the Director of the Ashley Down orphanage in Bristol, England, was a man who people described as one who had been with Jesus. On one trip, he was travelling to Quebec on a steamship for a speaking engagement. They ran into thick fog off the coast of Newfoundland and the Captain said to George, “Mr. Mueller, we will be delayed in reaching Quebec.” George said, “Captain, I need to be in Quebec on Saturday afternoon and if your ship cannot take me, God will find some other way, for I have never missed a speaking engagement for Him in 57 years. Let’s go down to the chartroom to pray.” The two of them went to this room and Mueller prayed a very simple prayer. When he had finished, the Captain began to pray and Mueller placed his hand on the man’s shoulder and told him not to pray.
He said, "Firstly, you do not believe God will; and secondly, I believe God has already done it, and there is no need whatever for you to pray about it." Then George said to the Captain, “Get up, open the door and you will see the fog is gone." They walked up on deck to a clear night and George was in Quebec on Saturday afternoon.
What does it mean to have been with Jesus?
Here are four points in how I would answer this, which I want for my life.
Those who spend time with Jesus cannot get enough of Him. They know that time spent talking to Jesus is where transformation takes place. They make their daily devotional time the highest priority and will not allow the pressures of the day to replace it. They pray believing God will answer.
Those who spend time with Jesus are exemplified by courage, boldness, and spiritual authority. They become like Jesus in purity, holiness, and love. Proverbs 28:1 says, "That the righteous are as bold as a lion." The word for bold means secure and confident. I have always loved Nehemiah 2:4,5. When Nehemiah was asked by the king what he wanted, it is recorded that in the heat of the moment he prayed, and then responded. That is holy security and confidence.
Those who spend time with Jesus have a physical, visible evidence that God is with them. They exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. There are some people I have been around, that when I leave them, I have said, “I was just with Jesus.”
Those who have been with Jesus are prepared when a crisis comes. There is peace in the middle of the storm, and it is supernatural. Why? Because they live in the reality of Jesus, who is in absolute control and they know that He is focused on them, regardless of their circumstances.
"Yet, I know that in every battle, fear is our fiercest enemy. Being with Jesus also gets the attention of the enemy of our souls. Satan’s supreme object is to hurt Christ and Christ’s cause. “You personally are of no interest to him. It is only as you relate to Christ that you assume significance in his eyes.”- John White
I recently overheard someone say, “I fear the unexpected." It is being gripped by the “what ifs.” I understand this, and these five realities are my go-tos.
Fear is not from God and it is not more powerful than my God.
I need to broaden my focus when my mind goes to a “what if” and include my God.
At the opportunity of every new challenge for growth, I have experienced fear. When it comes, I must name it and trust His equipping. Yes, confronting fear never ends, controlled by fear can end; that is my God!
There are a few warriors I keep informed as to how I am doing, and when I know that I will be facing a new challenge, or I feel the weight of this journey, I get to them and they pray.
This last one is so important, and yet, I confess, I do not act on it as much as I need to. Being with Jesus means I need time for quiet, rest, and renewal. It is important to listen to the Holy Spirit, and to seek His face.
Bruce is a beloved Pastor in Canada. He is also an author, speaker, and renowned international leadership coach.
To read more devotionals from Bruce, please go to https://aslongasihavebreath.ca/. To buy/read Bruce’s inspirational book titled, “As long as I have Breath,” please click here.
The past few years, the Lord has led me on a journey of uncovering the treasures hidden in the name of Jesus, and it has been a glorious experience. It has been an honor not only to unveil the mystery behind this powerful name but also to witness its transformative power.