The Promise is His Presence
by: Molly Davis
September 18, 2024
“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”
I had always read verses like Luke 1:45, Blessed is she who believes that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her, and thought “YES LORD! I believe you can give me all the things I’ve been asking for in prayer!” But in reality, I was deciding on my own what “God’s promise” was for my life. I’ve always gripped onto those kinds of verses thinking God will give me whatever I ask of Him, whether it be a husband, a promotion at my job, or my idea of a dream life. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that God wants to give good gifts to His children (Matthew 7:11) and fulfill the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:11), but, if not checked, our prayer requests can become idols. I’m guilty of this – seeking after things He can give me rather than seeking after the person of Christ.
This truth has become a reality for my husband and me the past few months. Early this summer, we were thrilled to learn that we were pregnant and that God blessed us with a child growing in my womb! I felt like I was living in God’s promise! At 3 months pregnant, we learned at an ultrasound that our baby no longer had a heartbeat. Our baby had died 2 weeks prior and there were no longer signs of life. I felt like God’s promise was being ripped away from me. I questioned, “Why would God just tease me with this promise, just to take it away so quickly?”
God taught me throughout the grief and heartbreak of losing my baby that I was missing it:
God’s promise for me wasn’t my baby, His promise is His presence.
Just look at all the promises we have through the person of Jesus: God promises that He will be with us (Hebrews 13:5), He will protect us (Psalm 91:11), He will be our strength (2 Corinthians 12: 7-10), He will answer us (Jeremiah 33:3), He will provide for us (Matthew 6:30-33), He will give us peace (Philippians 4:6), and NOTHING can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39).
Wow, the cry of my heart is that these promises are ENOUGH for me and that if He chooses to give me additional things to that (the things we ask for in prayer) then AMEN! (Matthew 6:33) But if not, I have everything I need IN Him! Do I believe that God wants to bless us with another baby? Absolutely! But as my pastor says, if He never gives me anything else, He has already given me more than enough. He withholds no good thing for those who walk with Him (Psalm 84:11), so if He hasn’t given it to me yet, then it’s not good for me RIGHT NOW. Psalm 37:11 says, “Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” He wants to give us the desires of our heart, but notice first it says “Take delight in the Lord”. We must delight in who He is first and foremost.
This is where true contentment is found.
True contentment is when we live as if everything we have in the person of Jesus Himself is enough. True contentment is when we BELIEVE the reality that in His presence there is fullness of Joy (Psalm 16:11). We have to experience this, not just read it on the pages of scripture. I now see that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. (Romans 8:28). He allowed the heartbreak of losing my baby to happen so that I could experience the TRUE promise. He promises that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God interceding for me (Romans 8:34). He promises that I cannot escape His presence (Psalm 139). He promises that He will never leave or forsake me (Hebrews 13:6). He promises that He draws near to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:8). He promises that joy WILL come (Psalm 30:5). He promises that His power is made perfect when I am weak (2 Corinthians 12:9). I could go on and on. I truly experienced the closeness of Jehovah Shammah (Our Present Help, The God Who Was There, Ezekiel 48:35). I experienced the Promise Himself.
I now read Luke 1:45 in a slightly different way. Mary, who was not promised riches, influence, worldly power, comfort, or anything we might expect for the mother of a King, was promised Jesus. The context of Luke 1:45 is Mary’s sister, Elizabeth, speaking to Mary before Jesus was born. God had spoken to Mary that she would give birth to the Savior of the world and Elizabeth was encouraging Mary that she believed what God had just spoken to her. “Blessed is she who believes that the Lord would fulfill His promise to her!” What did God speak to her? That she would be the earthly mother to the Son of God, Jesus! Mary understood the promise (the presence of Jesus) and received it in faith.
Blessed are we that we get to experience the promise of Jesus Christ Himself!
HE is the Promise, friends.
Worship: So Much Better (I Yield)- Legacy Worship
Lord, Thank you for the promise of your presence. Thank you for everything you have given me in the person of Jesus Christ. I repent of the ways I have idolized my prayers. I have sought the things you can give me, rather than seeking you first. I believe that YOU are the promise. I receive the spirit of contentment and resist any way the devil has tried to convince me that Your promise for me is in things you can give me. Continue to show me areas that I have falsely seen you. I commit to being content in the person of Jesus first and foremost. Strengthen my faith to believe that you and you alone are enough.
Further Study
2 Corinthians 1
When we believed the gospel and trusted Jesus to save us from sin and death, we were sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit.