A Prayer for Valentine’s Day

A Prayer to Pray on Valentine’s Day

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for so dearly loving me that You sent Your son to die for me. The Word says that You are love. Would I come to know Your love even more on this day that is a celebration of love! 

Thank You Father for those You have put in my path to love and steward. Give me Your heart for them, Your compassion, patience, and grace, to love them how You love them. Your love is perfect - free from judgment, sin, and strings attached. Your love is kind, and enduring, always sees the best in people, and keeps no record of wrongs. May I learn to love as You love - without expecting anything in return! 

I pray that today You will bless those I love so dearly. I pray they would hear Your heart for them through all of the pinks, reds, treats, and love songs. I pray that in everything they would feel seen and loved by the One who created them. Thank You Father for speaking tenderly to our hearts. 

Jesus, Lover of my soul, I praise You today for knowing me completely and loving me unconditionally. Your love is better than life itself. I thank You that not even a leaf falls to the ground that You do not know about. Your timing for my life is perfect. I can trust You to order my steps perfectly, and as long as my eyes are fixed on You, I will live in perfect peace. I praise You for the ways You speak tenderly to my heart, in ways only You can. You are altogether beautiful Jesus. You are the One my heart adores. My heart is at rest when I am at rest in You. 


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